Archive for November 12, 2011

Are you being Polished?

Freshly polished brass is very attractive. It shines and sparkles and stands out as something valuable. If left alone, over time the same brass will become tarnished and dull.

Like the brass, I the soul have also become tarnished over the course of time. What is required is a good polish and I will be transformed back into that which I was.

When polish is applied, some effort is required and it takes time to transform it. The brass itself has to go through the process of ‘pain’ and some ‘rough’ treatment as the dirt is removed and the shine is again revealed. Changing the cloth or the polish will not make it any easier.

In our life of spirituality we work towards self transformation and transformation is the proof of spirituality. It takes time and patience for that transformation to take place. Internally there may be some discomfort and renunciation that I need to go through. But it is necessary to hold on and allow the process to take place.

If I want to shine then a good polish is required. Are you being polished?


Om Shanti

November 12, 2011 at 9:13 am Leave a comment

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